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White Room


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HTML5 web interface

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2 MPX inputs

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1 MPX output

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Mail server

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Attack time, release time, treshold, left/right, detector (audio level, 19kHz)

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Tally control

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LCD display

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Jack 6,3mm headphone output




The detector is designed to monitor 2 MPX signals and switch to the output. The input that is active, so connected to the output, is also displayed on the display and the audio signal is audible on the headset.

If the "main" input (MPX input 1) is lost, MPX input 2 will be switched to the output. This is visible on the display of the detector by the text BACKUP: MPX2. This text also blinks so it is clear that the main input has failed.

Switching the mpx signal (from one of the inputs to the output) is done by a relay so that the signal is not affected.

The detector also checks the 19Khz signal. Its status can be seen in the web interface. The detector has a network interface for displaying status, configuring configuration and sending alerts. Status notifications occur by means of Emails. The settings for this can be done in the web interface. This interface can be operated via a web browser (Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.).


At the back you can find the connections for the MPX inputs and the network connection.

There is also a 9 pin D connector with the text "Tally"

A relay contact is connected to this, which indicates the status of the detector. Pin 1 = NC Pin 2 = NO Pin 6 = common

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